The International Platform for Insetting (IPI) is a business-led organisation which advocates for climate action at the source of global value chains.

Our members are generating multiple positive impacts for the ecosystems their businesses depend on, creating resilient and regenerative business models. We believe insetting is a way that companies can tackle both the climate and nature crises at once.
The latest science makes it clear that reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 is both possible and necessary to achieve the Paris Agreement’s 1.5ºC goal.
Many businesses are demonstrating leadership by setting ambitious targets to achieve this goal.
However, we are currently losing nature at an unprecedented rate.
This undermines human health and well-being, societal resilience, and progress towards the SDGs, as well as putting our entire global economy at risk.
Forward-thinking companies understand the importance of an integrated response to the climate crisis, nature loss and sustainable development, and are already investing in healthy ecosystems within and beyond their operations.
Insetting is an opportunity for businesses to link greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and carbon sequestration to their sourcing landscapes. This creates meaningful climate action that develops a sustainable land use model by protecting and valuing nature, and results in benefits for people and local communities throughout a company’s value chain.